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Griffin Parc Bear Hunt

Published: March 31, 2020

Lions and tigers and teddy bears, oh my!

During these unprecedented times and while still following social distancing guidelines, I wanted to spark a little joy in our community with a “Bear Hunt!”

Taking a page from Michael Rosen’s 1989 children’s book We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, members of the Griffin Parc community have placed stuffed bears in their windows in hopes of creating a scavenger hunt-esque activity for kids who are stuck at home.

While going for a stroll or making a goal to set out and find every bear! I thought a treasure map would be nice to outline where the bears have been spotted.

Please encourage your children both young and old to go for a stroll to find the bears!

If you have a bear and are not on the map please email Michelle George at and she would be happy to add you. For an updated map please check out the Griffin Parc Facebook Page.

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